
My very own website!!! Yikes!

Couch to 5k week 2

After the buzz from last week, I started week 2 with high expectations but things did not go smoothly!

Week 2 consists of a 5 minute warm up, 60 seconds running with 90 seconds walking repeated 6 times and a 5 minute warm down walk.
The first run went REALLY well and I felt amazing. Early mornings are definitely the best time to run as there are less people around so I feel less self-conscious.
BUT… That night I woke up struggling to breathe. Luckily my inhaler did its job but I was worried that I was going to need to hospital.

Run 2 was a little tentative but also went well.
Until the last minute when I managed to trip on the kerb at the corner of my road and fell in spectacular fashion. I twisted round and managed to graze my hand, knee, elbow and back. OUCH!
Full of aches and pains from my jarring fall, I had NO enthusiasm at all for the final run but forced myself to do it. Even at the end there was no elation or happiness as there was last week.
Oh, and apparently my knees are now in agony…



  1. Oh no! Not a good week with the running at all but well done for going for the 3rd run after the bad luck you had with the previous one’s.
    I hope you are feeling less sore soon x

  2. Ohhh nooo!! I hope you are ok after that fall?? Falling on concrete is just horrible. Congratulations though on powering through it and getting through week 2 as well. Fingers crossed that week 3 will be fab. #DreamTeamLinky xx

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